I am a sucker for beauty tech, so when the CurrentBody Skin LED Face Mask landed on my desk I couldn’t wait to get it home, pop it on and glow all my problems away. Previously only reserved for beauty clinics with specialist technicians, LED technology has made its way to homecare routines, resulting in rapturous applause from lazy girl beauty enthusiasts like me. 

But what exactly is LED therapy? How can an LED mask fit into your routine? And above all else, does it work? 

What is LED therapy? 

LED stands for light-emitting diodes and when used in skincare they can solve a range of skincare concerns. LED therapy is a pain-free, non-invasive treatment that uses a range of light wavelengths to improve your skin, by sending energy into the cells to stimulate natural cell response. 

Different colours have different applications. I’m using the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Mask which uses red and near-infrared lighting to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin tone and texture and encourage cell turnover and renewal, as well as reducing redness and inflammation. These colours are thought to be most effective because they have a longer wavelength and are therefore more effective at penetrating skin layers to do the most work. 

The device combines Red (633nm) and near Infra-Red Light (830nm).

The scientist behind the mask’s dual-wave technology explains: “As we age, our skin gets blocked and red LED light feeds your skin and ‘unblocks the pipes’.

“Infra-red, the other technology in the device works by stimulating the ‘wound healing cells’ in the skin – causing new, fresh skin to form.”

“Together, they work in harmony to stimulate the natural processes in the body, creating newer, fresher-looking skin.”

How does an LED mask fit into your routine? 

It’s surprisingly easy to fit this Power Ranger looking device into your routine; all you need is ten minutes. AND because it’s a mask with eye holes and everything, you can multitask while using it! It fits into your routine after your cleansing and toning, and before any active serum or moisturiser. 

I’ve also got my hands on some CurrentBody Skin Green Tea Serum, which is said to boost the effects of LED therapy when used before your mask session. 

CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
So much glow! So Stylish!

The CurrentBody Skin LED Light Mask is made from super flexible silicone that wraps around your face, allowing the light to be as close as possible to the skin. It also has an elastic strap around the back to affix it. All you need to do is pop the mask on (make sure its charged first!) press the on button and then let it work its magic. You don’t even need a timer on hand; when your session is finished the mask turns itself off.

So does LED therapy actually work? 

Like I said, I am a sucker for beauty tech but I like to make sure it really REALLY works before I recommend it. So, even though their website says the device has visible results within 4 weeks, I decided to put it to the test for three months. 

During the testing period I started out using it for three nights per week, and then upped it to five times after the first month. I also only started using the Green Tea Serum halfway through the trial period. 

I don’t know why but I expected it to heat up, but despite the device’s signature red glow there’s no real heat to be found here, just a tiny warm, barely perceptible glow. The one thing I didn’t love about this device was the positioning of the strap. I have quite a high bun so in order to get it to stay on my face and in place I would have to redo my hair into a low pony. I feel like the fit could be improved with two straps for greater stability in future iterations. 

That being said, it was hands down the easiest device I’ve ever found to incorporate into my routine. Pop on, set and … well not forget because that light is BRIGHT but as long as I was sitting in a bright room my eyes adjusted pretty quickly. You can keep going about your business with the mask on (or just keep watching TV) and then ten mins later, you’re done. 

And the results? I noticed a visible tightening of my skin in areas I’d been getting quietly worried about (furrowed brow and laugh lines, anyone?). My skin looked brighter and less red around my cheeks and my pigmentation seemed a tiny bit lighter (I have melasma though and that stuff is HARD to budge). Check out the before and after pictures. 

Before and after LED Light Therapy
My skin looks lighter, brighter and tighter.

You can see my skin just glows and looks overall more healthy in the second photo.

All in all, the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask is a firm recommend for me. It slips into my skincare regimen easily and best of all, it gives me results. Plus, there’s something a bit luxe about giving my skin that self-care; the me-time really helps me to wind down at night and I love it. 

Elizabeth Best

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