When you feel a migraine coming on, there’s a sort of helpless feeling you get knowing you’re about to spend a couple of hours in hell. It’s all stations to make sure you get to a cold, dark room to recover. But what if you had your own portable cold, dark room?
That’s what Lavanya from Headache Cap was thinking when she began looking for alternatives to just paracetamol. “I am an IT developer and I work long hours at the desk and the tension and stress always gives me headaches,” she explains. Through her research, she came across the concept of a cap that could provide heating or cooling therapy. She ordered some samples, tried them out and the rest is history.
“It worked like a charm,” she says. “It cools you down, calms you and relaxes you. I realised I had a chance to help others with this concept.”
How does the Headache Cap work?
The cap is made of just two materials, nylon fabric and medical grade gel. Using the age-old principle of hot and cold therapy, the gel can be brought to whichever temperature soothes you better.
You can freeze for one to two hours, or heat in the microwave in 15-20 second intervals until your desired temperature is reached. Then, just pop it on and let it work its magic.
My Headache Cap verdict
I have been looking for an additional treatment to add to my general painkiller regimen for a while so I jumped on this one. I selected a black colour with gel at the front and back because when my migraines rear their head, they hurt ALL over. You can also choose one with gel on just one side, which would work well for purely front or back pain.
I am a cold gal, so I pop my Headache Cap straight in the fridge to chill it out. When I feel the familiar tingle of a migraine about to come on, it’s time for the Cap to shine.

Style wise, think balaclava but it’s the top only and no eye holes. OR a beanie that also comes down over the eyes. It’s not a look you can functionally wear out but let’s face it, when you’re in pain you’re not going anywhere.
I slip in over my head, and oh. My. God. It’s so good. The cool gel sensation instantly calms the throbbing that’s starting up. My constantly full sinuses feel less angry. That knot punching the back of my neck settles down.
I think my favourite thing is the pressure of the all-over gel. It’s a slight compression that feels like it’s holding my head together in a cool cuddle. With my eyes covered, I take the opportunity to take some painkillers, close my eyes and try to grab a nap.
I wake up refreshed and a lot less tense and “hungover” feeling than I do with normal migraines.
Honestly, I am not even above just using it when it’s a hot day outside, I am THAT into it. I cannot wait to try out the heat function the next time I get more sinus or muscular pain. Safe to say I am a fan.
Lavanya’s top migraine tips
Try to keep a diary of when and where you get migraines. Identifying triggers can help you understand the patterns of what causes your pain and help you avoid it in the future.
As soon as you feel a migraine coming on:
- Stop everything as soon as you can safely do so. You need to rest to ride it out.
- Get out of the light; close your eyes and relax if you can.
- Treat with either hot or cold therapy (whichever works for you). The Headache Cap makes this step easier.
- If you need to, take painkillers and make sure you hydrate.
For more info, visit Headache Cap here.