Crystal rolling is said to have been the best-kept beauty secret among Chinese royalty from centuries ago, but now the ancient skincare instrument is having somewhat of a resurgence. Beauty bloggers everywhere are extolling the virtues of this skin savior with super glam flatlays and selfies. But what exactly do crystal rollers do and how can they revamp your beauty regimen? I spoke with Juliet from the sustainable, mindful beauty brand Julisa to find out why you should definitely jump on this bandwagon!
“No doubt a pretty crystal tool sitting in the vanity makes it very Instagram-worthy!” she says of the sudden popularity of the age-old implement. “But it also helps to establish a non-invasive beauty ritual that’s calming for the body, mind and soul; which aligns with the wellness focused lifestyles we’re seeing among this generation.”

What are the benefits of crystal rolling?
“There’re so many amazing benefits of a crystal rolling facial massage!” she says. “It helps with lymphatic drainage and improves blood circulation. It’s exactly like a good workout for your skin (minus the hard work), which leads to brighter complexion and smoother skin.”
Luckily for all those worried about ageing, it’s also suggested regular crystal facial massages could help reduce or prevent pesky fine lines. “Because it’s made with 100 per cent natural stone, the rollers are naturally cooling on your skin which helps to close pores and de-puff,” Juliet explains. “Also depending on the type of crystal the roller is made of, each of the crystal carries unique healing energy which can be calming emotionally.”
How do you use crystal rollers?
Juliet explains how to do the perfect facial rolling session to make sure you get the most out of it.
- Cleanse and moisturise your skin before use.
- The roller is best used with a skin oil or serum that doesn’t dry out quickly.
- Begin with the lymph nodes on your neck, the ones directly under your ears. Massage in downward strokes.
- Move to the stem of your neck and massage. Massage the base of your neck.
- Move on to massage your chin, around your jawline and your cheekbones. On your face always massage in upward strokes.
- Massage your forehead. Now switch to downward strokes.
- Don’t forget the area between your brows!
- Apply additional skin oil or serum during massage if needed.
- Enjoy your mindful me-time ritual!

What are the properties of each crystal type?
While the calming and skincare benefits of the rollers are plentiful, there’s also a little bit of mystic help for those who are spiritually inclined. “I handpicked three kinds of crystals, each with unique healing and spiritual properties,” Juliet says. “Rose quartz is a powerful love stone that brings deep inner healing, enhancing self-love and self-confidence. Opalite is for all-round healing, improving communications and removing energy blockages of the chakras. And amethyst is known for its strong cleansing power allowing you to find strength in chaos.”
Any other tips?
“You can use the rollers on your face, neck and the whole body,” she says. “I love giving myself an upper chest massage with the large roller head just below my collar bones especially during ‘moon cycle’, when that part of the body can feel congested.” Juliet also recommends a a practice for those who want to spiritually supercharge their sleep routines “Sleep with the rose quartz roller next to your pillow so that whatever is causing you pain emotionally will manifest in your dreams.” And in exciting news, Juliet says Julisa will have an exclusive, limited-edition rose quartz roller releasing in a few weeks’ time. She gives me one last tip: “Try keeping your roller in the fridge for extra cooling effect on your skin on those hot summer nights! It’s seriously the most soothing skin treat.” Will do, Juliet!

So… did it work for me?
After hearing all the benefits from Juliet, I had to try it for myself. I find using my rose quartz crystal roller as a vital part of my beauty routine, not the least of which because it just feels so darn good and the rolling motions help me wind down at night. The soothing feel of the stone on my face has definitely resulted in my eyes appearing less puffy when I am tired, and helps me work a beauty oil in at the end of my regimen.
Also, this little gem (pun intended, not sorry) of a beauty tool was a lifesaver on my recent trip to Europe. As a hayfever and sinus pain sufferer, being in the compressed cabin air of a plane cabin is usually unbearable for me. Having a nice, cool stone roller to gently massage my sore face throughout the flight provided so much relief I don’t think I’ll be travelling without one ever again.
Julisa crystal rollers are available to purchase online at for $38 each. They come in beautiful gift box with free AU shipping.