Brisbane’s three-dayHow to Write a Bestseller’ workshop is designed to reawaken creativity in a generation plagued by Artificial intelligence. 

Andrew Carter, renowned author, and CEO of Global Publishing Group aims to share his niche in strategic marketing with budding entrepreneurs in his award-winning writers program. ‘How to Write a Bestseller’ is an intensive three-day writers and networking event targeted towards business owners and Entrepreneurial go-getters. 

In his upcoming workshop, Carter employs his publishing experience to combat the growing elusiveness of paper-bound books. You may be thinking, what exactly does a bestseller have to do with business success? According to Carter “If you want to be seen as an authority in your field, you need a physical book”, a quintessential marketing tool that enables individuals to grow their income and global following. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps one the most significant technological revolutions in the academic world. The insurgence of artificially generated ebooks has given rise to a demand for physical books, “people will do more worthless ebooks which will make a real book stand out” says Carter. Although AI has been credited with seamlessly generating ebooks with the click of a button, individual creativity and identity have suffered. “We are losing our humanity. AI can’t share your personal story which disconnects the reader from you”, Carter summarises the detrimental effect of this innovative technology on individual creativity. 

Carter has helped over 1000 individuals attain success in their fields and has dedicated his life to philanthropy and mentoring. Along with special guest Sharon Jurd, a fellow business strategist and entrepreneur, the duo will help connect alike individuals to explore their creativity with their three-day workshop. As well as providing business mentoring, the forum aims to raise funds for the Starlight Children’s Charity. 

What you need to know:

Date: March 24th -26th

Location: Voco Brisbane City Centre 

Where to purchase tickets:–85212-14

Ariana Watson

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