ABOUT THE WRITER: Dr Watson is a lecturer in Media and Communication at QUT and researches sexuality, gender, sex education and mediated sexuality.
I think it’s fair to say that the calling out of misogyny is having a much-needed and long-awaited moment. Clementine Ford has been at the forefront of this in Australia, ensuring keyboard warriors treating women in this way doesn’t go unchecked – though she received many vile comments for her trouble.
Recently there’s been a backlash from women in the music industry talking about the kinds of behaviour they face from both fans and colleagues in the industry. Beth Cosentino of Best Coast fame, recently penned a Lenny Letter – which can be read here – about the harassment she has faced throughout her career. This is followed by the recent statements from Australian talent Clairy Browne about her own experiences of a live discussion on her album with The Music, where she penned a rather disturbing account here.
Then there’s also the recent instance of DJ Justin James’ somewhat misguided views on what makes a great (female) DJ.

He has since backtracked and released a statement from his Facebook that his post may not have been “tactful”, even though his intentions were “not malicious”.
Do I have your attention? Ok, so everyone has been contacting me for my statement. Here it is, short and sweet……
Posted by DJ Justin James on Wednesday, February 3, 2016
But then DJ Anna Lunoe has a point about the treatment and coverage of women by music media in her open statement from her Facebook page – which can be ogled in all its glory from here. And it’s not a discussion of misogyny without mention of the overt sexism in the technology industry with criticisms levelled at the IT Boys Club. Gamergate anyone?
It is fantastic and educational when women who are in the public eye come out and say that treating women as second-class citizens who are only valued for their appearance is unacceptable. It shows other women – and young impressionable women in particular – that they should not put up with this behaviour.
Unfortunately, it also brings out the manbabies and douchecanoes of the world. DJ Justin James at least recognises his faults – even if it comes after public pressure. But manbabies and douchecanoes are the kinds of people who only feel powerful or good about themselves when they are keeping other people – women in particular – down by denigrating or insulting them.
This leads to the king of the manbaby douchecanoes: Daryush ‘Roosh V’ Valizadeh or Roosh V to his friends (we are not friends). Most people will be aware of his ideas and views since he received a large amount of coverage after planning worldwide meetups for male advocacy group Return of Kings, which were for men only – as in no girls allowed, but also seemed to exclude gay or transgendered men too.
At these Return of Kings meetups, they would have likely discussed how hard it is to be men in today’s age now that women have figured out they do not exist solely to looked at, harassed and assaulted at will. Many counter meetups had been planned by feminist groups in response. This must have been terrifying to these poor manbabies who were clearly afraid of the tables turning and women personally attacking them back. As a result, the meetups were cancelled with their forum declared ‘A State Of Emergency’ due to the worldwide response. Sounds like it’s time for Daryush ‘Roosh V’ Valizadeh to crawl back into his manhole and cry his male tears. He clearly seeks attention through shock tactics, but the world has called out his misogyny for what it is – and will continue to.
We can all agree with ‘The Project’s’ Waleed Aly’s excellent critique of this manbaby douchecanoe: Sexist. Provocative. Homophobic. Elitist. Smug and Offensive. So in calling out his misogyny, let’s move away from inciting violence to finding peace. Support great ventures like Never Alone, The Luke Batty Foundation, established by 2015 Australian of the Year Rosie Batty, and stand with the women and children affected by family violence. Or take a stand with White Ribbon Australia and take an oath to prevent men’s violence against women.
Donate to Never Alone, The Luke Batty Foundation here.