You’ve got one day left and little money to spend. You knew this costume party was happening for over a month, yet you put off finding a costume until now. Don’t worry, we all do it. And then we end up either spending too much money, or staying up until 3am DIY-ing the crap out of some fabric and buttons. The latter is usually the best option if you’re low on money and are willing to lose some sleep. But whatever you do, don’t be that person who dresses up as themselves. Here are some last-minute costumes ideas to ease that stressed mind of yours.
A Jungle Princess
You can keep this one simple by wearing a sarong, a bikini top and a flower crown. Or you can spice things up a little by using elastic, raffia ribbon (found at any dollar or craft store), and using a simple knotting technique to make your own grass skirt. You can then pair the skirt with cheetah print fabric that can work as a bandeau top. And if you’re patient enough, you can make paper roses and leaves (there are easy tutorials online) and glue them onto your cheap flower crown to make it bigger and better.
Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove
If you have a little more time on your hands, this is a unique and fun one to try. All you need is an oversized red t-shirt, red ribbon to use as a belt, gold ribbon to glue or stitch along the sleeve hems, yellow cardboard and a headband to create the headpiece and chest piece with, blue cardboard for the earrings, a permanent marker for drawing details, and whatever sandals you own. Now just look at a photo of Kuzco and try to recreate it. Easy, right?

The Olsen twins from Full House
If you have a friend who is also stumped for ideas, this is perfect for you two. What you’ll need are denim overalls or shorts, fake flowers, a pink t-shirt, white ribbon, and white sneakers. And all you have to do is cut the flowers off the stems and then sew or hot glue them onto the overalls or shorts, tie your hair in an outrageously high ponytail, and tie the white ribbon around it. And if you don’t think people will know who you are, you can make a name tag with “Michelle Tanner” written on it. And if they still don’t know who you are, you can always say you’re a 90’s Barbie.
Now that you’ve got some creative juices flowing, stop procrastinating. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can go to sleep. Happy DIY creating!